[singlepic id=44 w=320 h=240 float=right]I just put the finishing touches on the cover (shown here) of ALUMNI NOTES, the forthcoming novel by my father, Andrew S. Levitas, which will be released by Star Cloud Press in January of 2011. For obvious reasons, I had a lot of personal investment in this image, and I’m quite pleased with both the image itself and the reaction from all involved. I encourage everyone to read the novel when it comes out – and not because the author happens to have also created me. I was skeptical when I picked up the manuscript, and I quickly found that I couldn’t put it down. Everyone who has picked it up has said the same, so it seems that my father is on to something.

Also – look for an exciting announcement in the coming days concerning Throwaway Horse, LLC. and out project ULYSSES “SEEN”, which has recently garnered international attention. More to come!